fault localization for large-scale communication systems

发布时间:2012-12-21  阅读次数:

  "fault localization for large-scale communication systems" 
Fault localization is a central element in network fault management, which deduces the root cause from a set of observed symptoms. As communication networks become more advanced in terms of size, complexity, speed and the level of heterogeneity, errors and failures are unavoidable even though complicated fault tolerant techniques are adopted. Traditional fault localization techniques have been applied to the fault localization of SDH/WDM and network protocols, and have achieved satisfying results. However, these techniques are inadequate for the current large-scale complicated communication networks because most of them use deterministic models. Furthermore, their assumptions are usually too ideal, such as no multiple faults, no redundant symptoms, no missing symptoms, and accurate fault localization model. This talk will first discuss the background and related work in fault localization. Afterwards, our main contribution to the fault localization in large-scale network is presented.
Tonghong Li is currently a lecturer with the department of computer science, Technical University of Madrid, Spain, where he was a Ramon y Caja investigator from 2004 to 2009. He obtained his Ph.D from degree from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications in 1999. His main research interests include resource management, distributed system, middleware, wireless networks, and sensor networks.


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